Monday, 12 January 2015

Health benefits of caring for your dog

New Year is often a time when people think about their health and resolutions whether it’s to go to the gym or start a diet. But what’s often overlooked is the health benefit of having a dog in your home.

These benefits go far beyond what may first spring to mind such as going outside and walking, but this is still the most obvious way of how caring for our dogs leads to caring for our bodies and health. The daily walk with your dog is crucial for its level of exercise but did you know that walking just 15 minutes every day can extend your life by as much as 3 years.[1]

Something you might not have thought about is what owning a dog can do for your social life. Whether you've met people out on your dog walk or sparked up a conversation with fellow dog lovers, your dog opens up your world to other people with similar interests.

There’s a good reason why our beloved dogs are known as man’s best friend and that’s because they provide companionship like other pets and animals may not do as well. This companionship is often overlooked as a health benefit but it is more noticeable with people who spend a lot of time on their own or the elderly. Dogs can fill an emptiness with love and purpose that without could have negative health effects on the vulnerable.

Dog ownership obviously brings with it a large amount of responsibility and commitments. You don’t necessarily have to own a dog to gain these benefits as many charities are often looking for puppy walkers or dog foster families.

Here at Home from Home Dog Boarding, our carers welcome dogs into their homes when their owners go away. In addition to the health benefits of having dogs around, our carers provide 24/7 care for your dog as if it was their own.
