The idea of Dog Boarding has only just begun to take off, as
dog owners want to take longer holidays but also want better care for their
animals. Rather than just leaving them at a dog kennel where they are less
likely to receive as much human contact, staying in a dog boarding center means
that they receive the very best treatment. Staff members at boarding centres
will feed your pet, provide exercise for them, and will follow any personal
instructions that you may have given, making sure that they are getting the
care and attention that they need.
There are many options available to you if you were to
choose a boarding centre, whether you want to drop your animals off while you
go on holiday, or even when you are at work or engaged in other matters.
For Home from Home Dog Boarding you will need to provide
your dog with everything that you would supply if a friend was caring for your
dog. For example you will need to bring:
- Food
- Bedding & towels
- Bowls
- Toys
Or anything that smells like home such as sweaters, this is to
make sure that your dog remains calm and cheerful so it is not aggravated in any
Most pet owners consider their dogs to be members of the
family, and prefer to send them to a dog boarding centre, rather than a grim
kennel facility.
At Home from Home you will be given a personal a carer for
your dog. We would like you to meet our carers, we insist upon it. Because
unlike other boarding centres, we want you to meet our carers you book with us
to make sure that everyone is happy. However If you are unhappy about the carer
there is always an opportunity to change carer.
If you are unsure about anything or want to find out more
about us, don’t hesitate to contact us on 01932 568584.